Eurojackpot Results

Eurojackpot Results


Eurojackpot Numbers

This page is updated with the latest Eurojackpot numbers and prizes after every lottery draw. Additionally, it includes the prize breakdown table and the winning numbers from previous draws. Pick the date in the drop-down menu to find previous Eurojackpot results.

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Winning the Eurojackpot Lottery

There are a total of 12 prize tiers, each with a different prize, way of winning, and odds of winning. You win the jackpot of the Eurojackpot lottery by matching all five main numbers and the 2 bonus numbers. But you can also win a prize if you only match three numbers. You can find the actual prizes in the table above.
If you’re a Eurojackpot winner, we will share the great news with you through an email. If you would like to check which numbers you've submitted, you can view them in your account and compare them to the winning combination on this page. For more information about Eurojackpot, feel free to visit our Eurojackpot Help page.